
The Science Of Why We Fidget While We Work

Paper clips, stress balls, clicking pens, rubber bands, magnets. Most of us mindlessly fidget with something while we ponder a project, listen to a lecture, or work through a problem, and two researchers from New York University want to know why. Continue Reading >


Squirm With Purpose

Teachers have long struggled to get children to sit still at their desks. But for children with ADHD, those orders might be counterproductive. That’s the research focus of Florida State University Assistant Professor of Psychology Michael Kofler, who is developing new, non-medication treatments for ADHD. Continue Reading >



Why Do We Fidget?

Several studies reveal that fidgeting actually has some benefits. But what compels people to twitch and tap, seemingly without control over their movement, in situations when they are called on to be still? Turns out, there is at least one biological explanation. Continue Reading >


Stress Toys: Mindlessness With A Purpose?

The tips of all my pens are all chewed up. When I’m nervous, I take my ring off and put it back on, repeatedly. I twirl my hair and crack my knuckles and play with my necklace and slip my shoes off and on under my desk.. Continue Reading >

Fidgeting In ADHD May Help Performance In School

The constant movement of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may be distracting — but the fidgeting also may improve their cognitive performance, a study by researchers with the UC Davis MIND Institute has found. The take-away message: The hyperactivity seen in ADHD may help children think.. Continue Reading >


Using Stress Balls To Focus The Attention Of Students

Developing a supportive classroom environment where a large number of adolescents can focus their attention on instruction without excessive distractions is a constant challenge for teachers. Some students create disturbances by attending to their own needs for movement. Continue Reading >